Mobile Web — #31 Google’s 4 Pack Stack in Search Results. What’s That?

If Google thinks your business or subject matter in your Website’s articles or online content scattered all over the Web is authentic, relevant and great;  then Google or Bing AI might reward you with a favorable placement position in Search Results Pages user interface – on the screen. Or if you are more of a localized search, how do you show up as a Pinhead or Map Marker on Google Maps? The cell phone screen is so small that showing up in the first few pages of search results is vastly important to be found to be able to compete online for the customer to select your business.

When you are a Localized search how do you show up in Google Answers structured format  or the prominent “stack” of premier businesses selected to be positioned high on the user interface in search results?

If you can do it WITHOUT Paid Advertising; that’s pretty cool and quite hard to achieve.

We track over 100 Google “signals” on our Websites and Web Pages to achieve these results with ZERO Paid Advertising. None. However with the years of knowledge acquired — It’s not FREE! —

Someone skilled in copywriting and layout has to author the dynamic articles with cool videos and photo’s. And then there is aerial video camera-copters and YouTube Channels to manage. Overwhelming. It’s like operating a digital agency and running an online magazine — and operating an eStore. Business Directories (show NAP) are also very important to get more authoritative Web links that Google search indexing likes to see to boost that Pages Rank vie the topic and category organization understand. Exhausting.

Users of the internet have to easily locate our topic — and navigate thru tons of other choices — and  ‘vote’ by looking at he content to validate that it is good. Not Easy. Not At All.

Google 4 Pack Search Results

Google 4 Pack Search Results with Spur Cross in 2nd Position. Yay.

We compete with Four Seasons, Diamond Resorts International, Hyatt, Hilton, Airbnb … and every nice Hotel Chain on the planet … huge competition, How do we Win?! Stay Sneaky!

Here are a few more Online Nuggets:

  1. The Travel Industry is your Friend! Call Them on the Tele. Yes. Talk.
  2. Reciprocate. Tell them why you are a Winner online ! Collaborate Online.
  3. You Link to Them — They Link to You. A Match Dot Com kinda thing! For Real.
  4. And — If they are a Huge Traffic Aggregator in Your “Domain” of expertise. Make a Deal with them!
  5. They need cool, hip, vibrant, fresh properties and services to help them highlight Their Brand !
  6. Find Brand Ethos togetherness — where there is clearly a mutual cool factor to hanging out online together.
  7. Get into their Ad programs to jointly Promote each other; with your Fantastic Content. You have to bring a party gift;
  8.  They want to spend their Promotion Budget — You Should Be Their Recipient ! — Bring Value to the Table. Negotiate.

We are on over 20 HUGE Global Websites. Little Us. Adventure Travel Out West. Great Reviews. Great Views. Cool Website. Google 4 Packer.

Affiliate With Your Industry. They Want You In It. It’s called Industry Marketing. We Do It. It Works GREAT.

Gobs of money can be unlocked if you are differentiated and have a great camera and make awesome Videos.

And Google Will Build Your Website. Cheap. Wicked Fast. Cool. Everything You Need. It’s Auto-Magic. 

Google Love’s Us. We throw off great authentic signals to their Web Crawling Slithering BOTs. Keep it real. 

About blastfrompast

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