Build an eStore with Facebook + Instagram Shops


Build out an eCommerce Store on Facebook and Instagram with a Business page. AND connect into Facebook messenger for Support / Sales and quickly build relationship with inquiries — both — from your Website and on Facebook and Instagram!

IMO … I like to own the ‘code’ and custom configurations in WordPress … it powers about 30% of Websites. Not All In Facebook yet but it’s simple and worked just swell — click thru’s, inquiries, messages … you should try it!

The Facebook “Connection” API is easy, simple and worked great into our backend product CMS ) … although Facebook wants you inventory on/in the platform thru  Wizard.  Feels like walled garden … a bit?

We have been in the beta program in the U.S. and connect thru WordPress Woo Commerce website(s) to leverage our product portfolio in one place.

Initially it looked like Facebook wanted to monetize and get into the payment transaction since there were ‘limited’ options … initially.  Check it out.

The benefit is to build fantastic Advertising audiences in their Ad Platform. It works great. Facebook will make oodles on profits on Ad placements. Tag you products on Instagram!

Join into their Builders / Makers cram courses and get Online!

“Nearly 1 million businesses already signed up” says Facebook. Pay attention and study up on Shopify, eBay, WordPress eCommerce, Amazon, Facebook, Instagram, Snap, BigCommerce, Google Shopping … and so many others options to sell Online.