Mobile Web #24 — New Game! Content Marketing is Huge! Be Found. Get Noticed.

Most don’t know how to play this this game of getting HUGE amount of relevant Web Traffic to your Website ( or Shopify eStore or eCommerce Website …) to build and sustain a thriving business; You get the picture.

If it’s not an eCommerce ecosystem; it’s not that interesting to me.

When I started this amazing journey all that I cared about and focused on was building a Web Traffic aggregator site for my region ( my locale ). And I did want to sincerely just make our amazing cool region more visible, vibrant and economically viable  … optimized for the small Mobile screen (or Auto)  targeted at potential or near by consumers on-the-fly.

Looking ok on the Laptop is fine. Digital Mobile first. I am a total hack and do this every day … every single day. I build MVP (minimum viable products) rapidly to fit into my Web schema. Tons of experimentation is going on. This is one of my 6 Websites that talk to each other … and I mean communicate!   They Buzz. They Humm. You can feel the vibe.

The ‘beachhead’ _money_ landing page(s) are an Adventure Ranch in the Southwest U.S.A. mountains that is pretty hip. That’s not free. Ha. Everything is eCommerce and eStores. I pitch you and get a cut. You pitch me and get a cut kinda situation. If you don’t pay me or share some coffee or sushi … oh well. I don’t care; you’re traffic that I aggregate is VALUABLE!

And that little PIN on the Google Map has quite a few benefits to the overall architecture for everyone.  Click on it and see your Website ( or Yelp, Facebook, Instagram, etc … information Pop Up — like a piece of Toast —  right on Google Maps or Adjacent on a wider screen.

I am — a Think Tank for small and medium businesses getting squished. Think about that. The PINHEAD is the top of the Food Chain of Web eCommerce. Be Found. Get Noticed. Compete for business. Google.

This is a pretty challenging and expensive journey to morph your Brand online. I am passionate about it because I do it 7 days a week for my Web properties.

My hunch was that it would all make sense and monetize eventually ha!

It’s busy all the time now; so I just build prototype eCommerce Stores Online and build Traffic; in addition we design ‘free’ web pages for innovative amazing small businesses and interconnect EVERYTHING relevant ( or spin it to make it so ) into Social properties to make the whole thing BUZZ. Is your head tilting? It should. Everyone wonders why and what I do? From almost zero to tracking to 1 Million Web Hits* is a rush (I study the analytics and stats). *prior to Travel industry falling off a cliff

My content Rocks! And my Traffic is booming. Why is Content such a controversy? Most of it SUCKS! It doesn’t grab you emotionally enough for you to consider acting on it in the context of your life.  Audience matters …. ALOT!

I will give you a rough sketch of what I do eventually. It’s madness and chaotic! But my clients eventually love me (sort of)!

I experiment a TON with their Brands, Content and Messaging. On occasion I crush it; but it’s more incremental now. I just lost 2/3 of my Global Adventure Travel Audience. However, I have all this other RELATED activity going on. Like getting great brick and mortars’ online. Initially they just hate it. They like their space. They built their whole thang from the ground up; replicating it online is a drag. Embrace different and new. It’s hard.

Here’s the punch line(s) below — which is not in order so you read it chaotically like we operate!  This is my business model.

It works. My graphs and charts are screen captures. They Rip totally.

1) What was/is Social Proof?   I was initially baffled at YELP RATINGS Gold Stars! — I get the Reviews part. Duh. They ‘smoked Google’ – initially – in this category!  Waa Hoo! And it was contentious! People were brutal (passive/ aggressive) about their products and services … sigh.

But the Traffic “AIMED” from YELP to the Website to peruse the CORE Content of the business was a golden goose. Get the Traffic for other revenue opportunities! You’ll book business on YELP … and you will Book Business ( with less FEE’s ) on your Website ( maybe) **

** Credit Card fraud risk .., might be worth letting the Pro’s get their % cut. Note: Expedia has phenomenal Fraud mitigation so we just Book business with them. It’s not free to run Online Transaction Payment Gateways! (Paypal, Square, Stripe … on and on)

2) More on Social networks!  COMMUNICATE! Post Fresh relevant content — all the time. It can be exhausting across all the Social platforms. 

3) Understand how to interact with Google properties. More on that.  


About blastfrompast

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