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Mobile Web #23 — Search Google … Get Google Back! Whaaat? (YouTube, Travel, Shopping …)

Much talk lately about how and where Google draws the line in the ‘cyber-sand’ when placing both PAID and EARNED Advertising on the increasingly wide and deep Google Web Platform “Facings”. Expedia’s advertising recently relegated pretty much off the bottom of the Mobile screen and onto the bottom of the …

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Mobile Web #22 — eStore Growth on Managed eMarketplaces -Why? — Wired into Google Maps & Mobile Search

Over 75% of business discovery is conducted on mobile phones. Amazing. Merchant and eStore User Interfaces must be very clever and obvious to be able to capture a transaction; before the potential customer’s interest fades to something else … and bounces away from your shopping cart. How do you do …

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Mobile Web #21 — Own Your Online eStore Website — Hire 3rd Party Managed eMarketplace experts … built on WordPress optimized into Google.

Web 2.0 Directory Listings Marketplace vs Geo Directory + WC Marketplace Capabilities WordPress eCommerce optimized for Mobile: Comparing Web 2.0 Directory for eCommerce Marketplace potential and capability versus Geo Directory with Multi-locations  integrated with new Listimia UI + WC Marketplace features. How does this compare to Shopify and BigCommerce?

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