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Mobile Web #26 — How? Advertise multiple ‘Locations’ – Products – Services – Virtual Non-Locations on Google Maps

city buildings with lights

Maps are starting to turn up on Websites to show their location and driving directions. It’s a Thing. Promoting other businesses AND the their products and services … and “virtual” eCommerce offerings without* a Building is possible too. Why would you do that? To publish Directory Listings, Advertising promotions, Events …

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Mobile Web #25 — Google Query? “Self-Referential” Search Results … back to Google properties!

Google refines Search Results on Google Properties

Every conceivable technique and hack was being used to: a) “Earn” or b) “Purchase” your way onto a primary position in Google Search Results (SERPS); many times through great organically developed content that attracted loyal content consumption (clicks and page views) to the subject matter. Great compelling content is not …

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Mobile Web #24 — New Game! Content Marketing is Huge! Be Found. Get Noticed.

Most don’t know how to play this this game of getting HUGE amount of relevant Web Traffic to your Website ( or Shopify eStore or eCommerce Website …) to build and sustain a thriving business; You get the picture. If it’s not an eCommerce ecosystem; it’s not that interesting to …

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