
Mobile Web — #35 Ads on Your Website ?

Ad revenue fuels the web. Ad dollars are out there. Go Get Some! Become Your Own Digital Ad Network There are a few methods that can be used to place Ads on your website to start additional revenue streams. Display ads on your website that are relevant to your audience and …

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Mobile Web — #31 Google’s 4 Pack Stack in Search Results. What’s That?

If Google thinks your business or subject matter in your Website’s articles or online content scattered all over the Web is authentic, relevant and great;  then Google or Bing AI might reward you with a favorable placement position in Search Results Pages user interface – on the screen. Or if …

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Mobile Web — #30 Website Domain Authority. What’s That? Who Cares?

“Domain authority is one of the most commonly tracked search engine optimization metrics to evaluate the overall quality and authority of a website.” https://altitudemarketing.com/blog/what-is-domain-authority-2-0/#:~:text=Domain%20authority%20is%20a%20search,number%20between%201%20and%20100. …. (the SEO metric) predicts how far up a site will appear in Google and Bing rankings On the way to 800,000 Annual Website Views is …

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Mobile Web #26 — How? Advertise multiple ‘Locations’ – Products – Services – Virtual Non-Locations on Google Maps

city buildings with lights

Maps are starting to turn up on Websites to show their location and driving directions. It’s a Thing. Promoting other businesses AND the their products and services … and “virtual” eCommerce offerings without* a Building is possible too. Why would you do that? To publish Directory Listings, Advertising promotions, Events …

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Mobile Web #25 — Google Query? “Self-Referential” Search Results … back to Google properties!

Google refines Search Results on Google Properties

Every conceivable technique and hack was being used to: a) “Earn” or b) “Purchase” your way onto a primary position in Google Search Results (SERPS); many times through great organically developed content that attracted loyal content consumption (clicks and page views) to the subject matter. Great compelling content is not …

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Mobile Web #24 — New Game! Content Marketing is Huge! Be Found. Get Noticed.

Most don’t know how to play this this game of getting HUGE amount of relevant Web Traffic to your Website ( or Shopify eStore or eCommerce Website …) to build and sustain a thriving business; You get the picture. If it’s not an eCommerce ecosystem; it’s not that interesting to …

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Mobile Web #23 — Search Google … Get Google Back! Whaaat? (YouTube, Travel, Shopping …)

Much talk lately about how and where Google draws the line in the ‘cyber-sand’ when placing both PAID and EARNED Advertising on the increasingly wide and deep Google Web Platform “Facings”. Expedia’s advertising recently relegated pretty much off the bottom of the Mobile screen and onto the bottom of the …

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Mobile Web #22 — eStore Growth on Managed eMarketplaces -Why? — Wired into Google Maps & Mobile Search

Over 75% of business discovery is conducted on mobile phones. Amazing. Merchant and eStore User Interfaces must be very clever and obvious to be able to capture a transaction; before the potential customer’s interest fades to something else … and bounces away from your shopping cart. How do you do …

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