
Ut wisi luctus ullamcorper. Et ullamcorper sollicitudin elit odio consequat mauris, wisi velit tortor semper vel feugiat dui, ultricies lacus. Congue mattis luctus, quam orci mi semper

Mobile Web #28 – Traffic Source to Your eStore?

Social Selling

Selling on Social? How do customers find online shops? WP Engines reports that — “43 percent, so almost 1/2 (half) of e-Commerce Traffic, comes from Organic Google Search.” …. and Facebook drives nearly 2/3 of Social Media visits (over 23M) to Shopify eStores. That’s with Organic Search methods. Not with …

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Mobile Web #27 — Get a Pinhead! NEW Google My Business (GMB) Virtual Offices and Service Area Business (SAB) Guidelines.

eCommerce Digital Domain Authority

Author Note:  These are my private Hack notes which are messy; from  nuanced interaction with Googler’s over 3 years on real projects with my money. My perspective is different when not playing with your funds! Our best skills are in building Domain Authority Web properties to share great Web Traffic …

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Mobile Web #20 — 10 Reasons Why You Need A Separate eMerchant Business Listing Website to Promote Your Company —

Online Business Listings

Why? It Validates your local Social Proof. Google loves Business Listings, Profiles and Directories! They know you’re more likely to be LEGIT enough to associate with THEIR Brand in Search and Discovery results when the address, name and phone number(s) match other Websites.  Increases competitiveness. Improves Search and Discovery Page …

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Mobile Web #18 — Claim Your Business Listing Profile on Google —

  It amazes me how many businesses are missing out on substantial online sales improvements by simply creating a Google Business Listing Profile which feeds into Google Map which creates your pinhead marker location. Understanding what a Business Listing Directory is and learning the powerful online sales opportunities available using …

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Mobile Web #17 — Google Reviews and Ratings vs Yelp — Credibility in Social Proof

  More Reviews. More Leads. More purchases. The more Google customer reviews you have, the more likely a purchase is to be made based on strong reputation. Business listings present their contact information, increase company exposure, and accumulate reviews from customers to further increase the credibility and appeal of …

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Mobile Web #14 — When Does An Online Directory Becomes An eMarketplace?

Online Marketplace

Is YELP a Directory Listing Service? It sure it! With Maps and Rating and Reviews. Google is still catching up and watched this zing on past. YELP smoked Google here. And Google is slowly regaining momentum. This is a good read on how to develop and build an online eMarketplace …

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Mobile Web #5 – How Long Does It Take To ‘Earn’ An Organic Google Search Result to be Displayed In The Page Layouts ?

This is the most frequent question that I get developing or enhancing eCommerce businesses online. How do I get my content featured in Google Search Results for Free! What is the fastest way to ‘Earn’ placement? The second most common question related to Google search, discovery and maps exposure is: …

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Mobile Web #3 – Google portal – Zero Click Off

Google is shifting to a product company from operating a science fair. — This article was written is 2019 — The more time you spend INSIDE Google’s collection of digital properties – the more they will monetize You with Advertising – YouTube – Shopping – Travel – Play – Maps …

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