Mobile Web #11 — The Pinhead on Google Maps is the Most Important Click … in the car … on the mobile phone …

Google is pulling information from all over the Web to reassemble your Website and Web assets instantly in the Google User Interface. Take a look at Google Travel; they ‘stand’ right in front of the Travel and Tourism industry to be “in” the transaction — they get the purchase or booking “clicks”. Amazing.

After you talk into your mobile phone looking for something to Discover in Google Search, Google presents the Google Map and additional metadata from around the Web. Touch the Pinhead and it presents additional information. Is your Website still relevant ? Or can most everything be accomplished at the google UI level ?

The more that you embraced the Live Google Maps interface (API) on your Website, the better off your business (and mental health) will be. Putting a Google property facing — a Google “Product” — from a link into a Google server on your Website has many benefits. More later on this topic.

Websites are rapidly presenting the Google Map data on the Home Page or nearby. It’s valuable and efficient to your customers in many circumstances to stay on page.

We rapid prototype new online eCommerce Businesses with pretty cool third party software building blocks from all over the world. It’s a full time job just finding the software components. For the most part it’s been built already. We like to integrate it to build out the business versus reinvent from scratch. Mostly because SMB businesses don’t have the budget or technical knowhow. And then they use something like Shopify. We like to work with the 3rd Party Developer’s Software and get fast assistance from the people whom built the code base.

About blastfrompast

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