Mobile Web — #30 Website Domain Authority. What’s That? Who Cares?

“Domain authority is one of the most commonly tracked search engine optimization metrics to evaluate the overall quality and authority of a website.”,number%20between%201%20and%20100.

…. (the SEO metric) predicts how far up a site will appear in Google and Bing rankings

On the way to 800,000 Annual Website Views is strong in 7 months. This is good Domain Authority. We author our own content which takes time and creativity. Copywriting leadership is hard to find and it’s difficult to out source your personality.

On The Way to 1 Million Website Hits
On The Way to 1 Million Website Hits

Problem: Way too many Online eCommerce buzzwords to comprehend for a thriving eStore selling stuff on  a Website.

Solution: Work with someone whom sells stuff Online and operates a thriving Service business.

Pay More. Get More.

THIS is a really decent Domain Authority build from doing Tons of SEO basics  quite well. With ZERO Paid Advertising. The Traffic is from “Earned” Media; a raft load of small things that “signal” Google to Love Us in Search Results!


Website Domain Traffic
Spur Cross Website Domain Traffic

One of the 5 Domain properties has generated 355,844 Views of our Web Pages, Google Map Snippets — in 6 Months !

It’s Adventure Travel. A Hot Topic for ever. We execute the real Brick and Mortar business every day. Not just Digital magic. That Helps on Google. Bricks are good. Reviews can be Brutal. Take it right on the Chin. Respond respectfully. You probably sucked. Being defensive is intolerable. Get a Clue.

— with ZERO Paid Advertising —

AND, we are almost always selected as part of the Google 3 or 4 Stack Pack in Search Results. Pretty Cool. How did we do it ?

— The Holy Grail of Advertising —

The Spur Cross “Domain” of online eCommerce and relevant articles spans Guest Ranches, Airbnb properties, Out West merchandise, Adventure Travel and Advertising our Neighborhood Merchants to be more successful Online.

We write tons of articles and author web pages with useful interesting content that is relevant and on-topic with our business interests and Brand Ethos. Also, we help promote other ‘people’ in our neighborhood or locale if the fit into the realm of our passions and beliefs’.

Cruising at over 50,000 Website Whacks a Month is pretty funzies. Yes. It converts. The cliff in Adventure Travel in March of 2020 is climbing back up. You just can’t stop people from Traveling. It will be different; but still huge. The data embedded into the Maps is sweet!

The changes (and opportunities) on Web are profound. People are asleep at the wheel or totally burned out / over whelmed to drive adaptation. Especially for Mobile. Google can build you a Mobile Web Page tied into their Domain. It can run your business. It’s just not obvious what is going on. We live inside it here. It’s like anything you study up on to Win. There are rewards to reap.

Domain Traffic Ramp on Spur Cross
Domain Traffic Ramp on Spur Cross

It’s hard. We struggled. We spend oodles of money figuring it out.

Do we want to hand you the Top 25 things we do to build solid and desirable Domain Authority for consistent healthy Web Traffic?  Not really.

But we will share. It’s the open source way. We expirement heavily  — with our wallet — constantly. Be cautious. There is way too many “advisors” ready to swindle you. An Authentic Online presence Wins!  We have them.

Google Bot can/ will punish You right into the penalty box of eCommerce hell. We are wired into piles of Google “watchers'” blog posts, podcasts, respected Search scientists and killer notes from software conference. Super smart folks. No single source is available; it changes constantly. There is No Book nor Recipe to follow!

Be LEGIT. We use Commerce, eStores, Search, Maps, Youtube, Shopping, Travel, Google My Business(GMB), API’s and a dash of Social Media to get decent Investment Returns — ROI’s –. Each ENTITY has a Purpose. Like WallStreet — Special Purpose Entities — kinda thing; And we use technological advantages to give our Topic(s) Authority a “Bigger Voice” — like data API’s, layering, and stacking. Links just happen. There isn’t enough time in the day! You just can’t chase it all.

“Own” your Domain Knowledge on a subject (Think Study Like Your on You’re Last Breath) and get into the Knowledge Graph. Be an expert on a Topic. Like Show Up … And Work

eCommerce | eStore    — Put Your eStore on Facebook — What?!

Bet Ya that you didn’t know Facebook (and Instagram) has a Great eStore so You can Sell Your Stuff Online ! It’s wired into the infamous Zuck Facebook Ad Manager. Makes Bazzilions. It’s an incredible tool. You have 2 main choices for Advertising Online — Facebook / Insta and/or Google. Pick your poison.  Hang onto your wallet too.

It also has plumbing that works to attach to Amazon and eBay. Use it. And don’t snicker at eBay. They rock … again. But, still a little Craigslisty … mah.

Also — it probably is wired into Big Commerce and Shopify too. Etsy and Pinterest maybe too? We have to focus.  Way too many options. It will Kill You. Do one thing really well and then go from there.

We don’t apologize when we HACK something together! It’s Out West. Dusty. Dry. No Rust. The Artist in our Faacebook test eStore (Live) is a famous photographer — so we sell it right off the Wall. Not Kidding. Signed by John Gravillis. Barbed Wire Art too. People love it.

The photo’s are sketchy. Don’t do that. It makes You Sketchy too. People don’t purchase suspicious items with crap photo’s. Look at our Website. Look at Google Photo’s. Over 100,000 Photo click thru’s. That’s bad ass. The photo’s and aerial-coptor motion video is very cool — 100,000 click on the Video — at a Guest Ranch!  Winning.

We were testing out this beta software from Facebook. We will probably Go Pro with the eStore now.  Initially kinda suckie. But Facebook will get into the boxing ring and mix it up — no doubt — Keeps Shopify running and Big Commerce on it’s toes too. Amazon laughs and snickers.

Facebook’s Online Store was slow to catch on. It had ONE payment option initially. That just pisses people off. No Choice. No Purchase. Bye!

We try all sorts of beta release software; it usually works fine with limited features. For example — we started early with Google My Business (GMB). Winner! We stay way out front of the pack mules.

We “Earned” the Website Traffic thru writing Dynamic (aerial video-copter photos) content, Video Rich Subject Matter, Great Pro-grade Photo’s !, Valuable Interesting Web Pages, Promoting our Local Area Merchants Related to our Business and attracting Authentic Links and References to our Topic Resources.

About blastfrompast

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