Google Map Marker Pinhead
Mini_Website located 'behind' Pin Head Map Marker

Mobile Web #0.5 —

Engage More Customers Faster. Get Located on Google Maps. Boost Relevant Traffic.

Update – Spring 2024:

My predictions 5 years ago building web software with Google Maps API and GMB Profiles:

Fewer larger Websites would prevail to get visibility and paid Ad placement would reign.

1) Business Websites were going to disappear as stand alone entities known today or consolidate to have necessary market power to compete at the top of the funnel and make economic sense (or become fast content databases in the background). I could see the features and capabilities under the Google Map Pinhead – the map marker – integrated with the slick Google Maps (Profile) App-like juggernaut were advancing into a more vibrant social network where social street cred ‘score’ is generated thru a mash up of video- reviews – answers – Ads – comments – photos – panoramic(s) – web links – promo … Due to the extortionary price and increasingly costly effort of producing great content and employing more better technologies to surface it up as a prominent viable economic entity; the limited access points that throttle the wide exposure to get huge exposure to potential ever expanding customers have consolidated into the massive power platforms to reign dynastically.

2) Google wants to be the primary User Interface and Brand experience 1st (and it’s good at it! ) — the ‘other’ core content and product ‘catalog’ data tends to be slow and ugly on Websites; so Google just reformats it into a re-arranged sub-branding like experience. If they thought your Website content was junk or a scam it would be less likely to surface associated “with” their tidy Brand anyway. You would have a horrific page rank and be in no-mans land.

These power tools are misunderstood, hard to understand and substantially under-utilized by online businesses – and the politic is ‘thick’ to discuss Google – Facebook(Meta) – Amazon – Apple App Store …

These must be part of your Marketing efforts to compete online to win prospective customers.

a) Google eCommerce Marketing Tools (Event – Update – Catalog) are massively under-used

b) Google Profile – (GMB) Google My Business – integrates with Google Maps – is an online Super Power

Fewer prominent Selling Platform’s increasingly dominant are ruling with their opaque (complex) digital advertising technology locks. And now, AI re-arranges your core content in summary formats with limited sourcing to back-links promoting that content and traffic to the Websites to generate viable eCommerce.

Google re-arranges their little colored pixels – every single day – to be the prominent / dominant Brand alongside you; and make you compete relentlessly -to bid a higher price- for the premium Ad Slotting positions on the ever so tiny little Mobile screens to get you located to potentially compete to monetize business transaction and build meaningful eCommerce relationships.

There is Demand Nearby! – get on the Map. Get Be in the Profile Directory. Increase your online sales.

As I became more convinced of the necessity of expanding the use and advocacy of Google My Business (Profile) and Google Maps products; as opposed to just grinding away with Website(s) eCommerce (and maybe an interface into selling and marketing products into Amazon or Facebook or eBay using the Website a product and promotional repository); I was experiencing increasingly better traffic and conversion results using the vast GMB tool suite (sadly opaque and confusing to so many online) to gain better and more legitimate Page Rank building a relationship with the Google Brand.

The challenge is simply explaining the huge power – reach – and economic necessity of a GMB – Google My Business – Profile presence .. previously known as Google Local; which integrates with and surfaces the pinhead map marker on Google Maps. No doubt Google is going to offer some attractive promotional pricing to create online product offerings and entice you to purchase some digital advertising with immediacy. What’s not obvious is that Google offers plenty of ‘FREE’ exposure for you to produce and post content in many different formats into Profile featured marketing tools.

However … and I would say with extensive experience … … The FREE business promotional tool suite – that are ridiculously under-utilized and vastly opaque – are integrated right at the business profile to increase the business digital footprint, exposure and page rank to boost sales potential immediately.

And it’s optimized to look great and work fast on small Mobile phones screens.

It’s table stakes for successful eCommerce to be located there and sadly its difficult to convince businesses how important the network its. Mentioning the Google brand related to Ads to small business is rarely a pleasant experience; so I often start with discussing Facebook business eCommerce first to warm up the idea of better marketing and advertising to increase online exposure to the right audiences.

Google surfaces great fresh content and responds well when the topics are clearly packaged to consume to a sizeable audience. Otherwise expect increasingly expensive and vague Advertising competition for limited web page placement slots; to surface somewhere unknown in Search Results Placement (SRPs) universe.

I started writing about my participation in both 1) Google’s migration to more aggressively develop and pursue eCommerce solutions; especially related to: a) Google My Business (Profiles) with b) the Maps products being so prominent with Search for businesses especially when location based advertising is involved. Certainly by-passing Google Search or Microsoft Bing (and now CoPilot AI) – and going straight into a prominent online domain like Amazon

and 2) Facebook’s (Meta) advancing their business eCommerce tool suite and advertising product offering depth.

My observations and Web software development was experiencing that Google Maps and Google Business Profiles (Google My Business) were becoming more of a complete ‘replacement’ for business eCommerce Websites; offering more secure and popular payments, product catalogs and a social network with reviews – where Yelp was blazing past … While Amazon was the dominant online Store by a long shot, getting initially located and surfaced to compete for consumers business was happening at Google Maps especially when looking for local storefronts. Google business profiles seemed very simplistic when it’s really a whole suite of tools to sell online including Google Shopping.

The Pinhead map marker was an ingenious way to stay out front of business Website content by putting it ‘underneath’ to surface the content on a small screen. Paid advertisers competed for limited placement in many different formats around the Map – with features like – answers – related – image sliders – text ads – sponsor Ads … etc.

The original outline below is the starting point for some of my investigations beginning in 2018 and above is an update after 5 years of very rapid advancements and further digital eCommerce dominance.

Get Located on Google Maps. Boost Traffic. Engage Customers Faster.

  1. Fast prototyping in Mobile eCommerce using WordPress eCommerce.
  2. Effective Mobile eCommerce Website Frameworks That Intercept & Transact With Potential Customers When Mobile.
  3. Google Maps, Mobile Discovery and Search. Better Visibility & Online Conversion. Experience working with Live Interactive Google Maps. .
  4. Improve Google Organic Search Results.
  5. Successful concepts and implementations across a wide range of Industries and Google properties — Google Travel, Hotels, Shopping, Automotive, Aviation, B2b, List Directories and YouTube.
  6. Facebook and Google Advertising Platform Strategy and Execution.

There is Demand Nearby! — get on the Map. Increase your online sales.

About blastfrompast

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