Online Business Listings

Mobile Web #20 — 10 Reasons Why You Need A Separate eMerchant Business Listing Website to Promote Your Company —


  1. It Validates your local Social Proof. Google loves Business Listings, Profiles and Directories! They know you’re more likely to be LEGIT enough to associate with THEIR Brand in Search and Discovery results when the address, name and phone number(s) match other Websites.
  2.  Increases competitiveness. Improves Search and Discovery Page Rank
  3. It supports validation of your Google Map location submission and  – street cred – offering you a better chance at higher — more prevalent — search results positioning. Maybe even into the “local 4 Pack Stack”.    

… read on for reasons 4 thru 10.

Business Listings (e.g The Yellow Pages) were THE leading 1990’s method to find Businesses in an Geographic Area. A very expensive upgrade would get you a Business Profile — Super-Sized — on a larger portion of a Directory Page. It was a huge paper Book. It wiped out complete forests of trees (   Most used them as door stops and booster seats. Sad. Sigh. Not Green.

It was a near monopoly! And similar to Blockbuster’s decision to stay in the Analog Video World; IGNORING — signals as loud as a train whistle — the Digital Internet; it faded away into irrelevance as a dominant Source to Locate a Business or Service in a Geographic Locale. ALL IN ANALOG took some ‘stones’ to continue with for sure — or there was glaucoma or high grade bonging in leadership positions. I loved getting a marginal movie at Blockbuster when they ran out of the new Movies! But I loved Napster too!       

You can head in many directions getting visibility for your business Online.

  1. Your (custom) Website … which is probably out of date to be relevant in Mobile.
  2. A Google Business Listing / Profile. Way more capability to build and convert business eCommerce than you can imagine (December 2020) 
  3. An Advertising and Promotional Website or Affiliate. ie Expedia. 
  4.  Hire Online Pro’s that co-manage your online eStore for a Percentage. 
  5. USe 2 + 3 + 4 above     
  6. #1 is toast (almost). It’s too complicated and expensive for most.    

You probably lack — all the skills necessary —  to design, build, promote, manage and grow an Online eCommerce Store that crushes it on Mobile.

There is a hybrid approach to being successful Selling Online.

See #3. Transact with eMerchants from *inside* the Business Listing – or Featured Advertisement – Integrated With Live Google Maps, Search and Mobile Discovery … without Leaving to a Different eStore Website to complete the Transaction (a Click Off). HIRE EXPERTS to manage it all.

Google doesn’t have every single piece of the Business Website ‘rubix cube’; but they sure have a bunch. 

And now Google is the prominent Global Business Listing and Profiles Service. Hootsuite is a market leader and social media innovator recommending Google Business Profiles and Directory Services — called Google My Business (GMB): It took years and years of iterations and testing to get users to embrace it.

A Google Business Listing (or Directory Profile / Listing) is a Full On Business Website — including a bit of Google Shopping capability; with a built in eStore catalog, promotions, offers, discounts, purchase buttons, mobile Messaging (new), blogs, photo gallery, Map location, operating hours, phone number, Website URL, etc.    

However …. Over 1/2 of Businesses on the Planet are unaware or Don’t want to use Google My Business (GMB)  — Directory Listing and Profiles?? Huh …    Baffled. Stupefied. Dumfounded. Confused.

Less than 1/2 of Global Businesses use Google Business Profiles / Listing — a full multimedia mini-Website — with integrated Google Shopping / eCommerce — that Display your Business Products and Services … optimized for Google Search, Maps and Discovery on Mobile.

Contact us to learn how to boost your business online.


About blastfrompast

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