Huge Web Traffic: Affiliate Marketing

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Expedia — Airbnb and approached Us

AND we use the latest Google eCommerce capabilities in advance (beta)

… to Extend Our Uniqueness on Their Marketing Platforms to include our Adventure Travel writing dialogues, experiences and enthusiasm … with the unique brick and mortar businesses we represent ( and invest in).

Their reach is Planet Earth on over 15 separately Branded Websites !

Their massive Ad platforms for Mobile are awesome to reach the on-the-fly #Mobile consumer; at the right time, in the right place and at the right moment.

  • powered by Demand Nearby Marketing Stack capabilities 
  • Expedia Group
  • Booking Holdings
  • TripAdvisor
  • Airbnb
  • Google platform properties (Travel – Shopping – Business Profiles) 
  • WordPress User Interfaces and eCommerce software modules (Woocommerce)

We offer a unique, fresh, straight forward approach to help a user make a better decision … or influenced them in a positive manner !

We are showcased on over 15 GLOBAL Travel and Entertainment Websites -after contracting with them. Yes. We signed contracts and they stopped in. It’s serious. The look through everything before onboarding. They expect you to bring additional essence and value to their Brand.

Great Authoring and Writing is hard to locate and collaborate with. Journalism is in tatters. Authenticity will bust you through the lower level noise of the market place to get involved.

If you have really great compelling content in a focused subject area that compliments large Travel and/or Entertainment companies; they want to ‘hang out’ with you and merge your content with their stuff! They Do.

They will always be the dominant Brand; but will include your great content to stay fresh. Great content is expensive. Exceptional high energy writing is hard. Be that person.

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