Mobile Web #33 Google Ad Network vs Facebook Commerce (Ads) Manager

We use both Google Ads and Facebook Ads – including all their other digital properties (facings).

The Advertising Studios that build up the Ad content and message have Auto-magic  — WYSIWYG — viewing of the Ad and Device size laid out on the screen for getting an immediate impression of the the user will see.  (What You See Is What You Get = WYSIWYG)

Facebook has integrated and recently launched the new eCommerce Store, Marketplace, Instagram, Messenger, Video Feeds, Stories, Explore, etc …  it’s a super gigantic aggressive undertaking. Wow. Connect to your Website as a single source of Product with the Facebook API and PIXEL to track your shoppers.

Facebook has intertwined so much code and capability with Instagram. I will just call them Facebook so this is readable. The human effort to code this and test it is just so massive … and overwhelming to use the new Facebook Commerce platform.

Google Ad Manager is crisp and tight. Build an Ad Campaign  in the Digital Studio, Customize the Audience in Pro mode or Smart Mode, check out what the digital footprint looks like in different screens / devices and   — Launch It –!  Boom.

Google Ad Manager
Google Ad Manager

See the Ads next to Search Results, in Gmail, Mobile Discovery, in YouTube, Across The Web or even in Google Shopping.

We can help you too.

Don’t go broke Buying Ad ‘space’ somewhere out there. Authoring content, teaming with Affiliates or engaging Brand personalities to drive Website traffic to check out your things works too. You probably need both. It’s complicated. Work with someone that can show you Marketing ROI results. Don’t let your precious digital PIXELS fall to earth unseen nor converted into cash!

Facebook is a very powerful Advertising machine !  What was learned on placing this ad and selling the equipment?

  1. Photos matter !   over 30 clear pictures posted
  2. Reach was about ~8,120 in the custom target areas (unique map segments)
  3. Engagement was 1,322 performed some action in some manner (Click, Thumbs Up, LIKE, Comment, Message, etc)
  4. 128 people Commented or Posted an Emoji. Under 20 Shared. 
  5. The product was Sold )  

Think about the mathematics ! Over 8,000 people reached with a Mobile or Desktop Ad, then 1,322 atleast noticed and clicked or ‘acted’, 128 people made a comment or sent a message to inquire; ONE Purchased.

It took ~1.5% (One Point Five Percent) of the whole Advertising Audience to get engagement and then a Buyer.

  • Is that Good or is that Terrible ?
  • Was it worth $40.00 and the cost of the smart person whom had the knowledge to build an effective Ad and Launch it ? 

Note: This is a One Off Sale Social Network Sale and probably doesn’t represent the ENORMOUS ongoing cost of Marketing and Advertising to operate a healthy and profitable online eStore. 

Costs can easily hit 4-7% of Gross Sales!

eCommerce and online Stores that transact daily are vastly more involved with dynamic product catalogs connected into Facebook technologies.

We connect you into Social Selling; whether it be an Auto or Powersports Dealership or Store Front that needs to get online or revamp their online thinking into the on-the-fly Mobile consumer.

About blastfrompast

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