Mobile Web #40 – Electric Vehicle Charging Locations. ‘Rent’ Out Your EV Charger

How do you ‘rent’ out your electric vehicle charging equipment to other people? List it on a charging location website!

How will people find out where you are located and what type of EV vehicle charger is offered? Are you near a condo, house, curb-side, industrial area, parking lot or multi-family apartment setting? What is the capability of your charger and how much does it cost? Are their reservations offered? What times are possible?

You’re in luck! Services like an AirBnB for EV Charging are available; they also offer mobile onsite service using generators to deliver remote emergency charging to get you going.

Take a look at the U.S. Department of Energy and Transportation database — presented by the ESRI mapping software — which registers the charging equipment to get into the electric grid to charge your vehicle. It’s a the best locating data – but is missing the blossoming expansion of many Private chargers or the units not on the popular Apps and Networks; those intstalled by opportunistic entrepreneurs.

EV Charging Locations – port types and time availability

This is the most amazing U.S.A. Electric Vehicle Charger Location Map EVER !

  • Produced by ESRI using U.S. Department of Energy / Transportation data.


ESRI Summary:

  • some of these whimpy Chargers are from 2011 (Tesla was shipping cars in 2008) with the roll-out of the Nissan Leaf and Toyota Prius.

Since Plug-In Hybrid Vehicles have entered the marketplace, the challenge of getting a replacement boost charge while traveling has been available. Clever and helpful entrepreneurs built out Websites and Mobile Apps to solve the problem of locating viable charger ports while drivers are unsure of where to get a re-charge.

Check these out here for starters:

The Sharing Economy with EV Match approach offering more EV Charging options.

‘Private’ Charging ‘Rentals’ on Chargerzilla might not be on largest EV Charging Apps.

This has huge implications for Solar – Wind – Volcano – Geo Thermal – Battery Storage Devices and potentially Bi directional Two Way Charging – both into the vehicle and back into the Grid or Storage unit. Also consider the capability of energy flowing from your vehicle into another vehicle — like peer to peer networking.

Top off someone else from the vehicle to get them going. Probably wireless charging too.

Esri is the global market leader in geographic information system (GIS) software, location intelligence, and mapping. Since 1969, we have supported customers with geographic science and geospatial analytics, what we call The Science of Where.

esri is a public company,call%20The%20Science%20of%20Where.

Imagine connecting into an App or Website like Airbnb and get an electric vehicle charging reservations which would help the ‘landlord’ slowly recover and monetize the costs of:

1) the EV charging equipment – 2) electric grid or solar or battery – 3) charging network support monitoring App – 4) payments provider or SAAS reservation solution – 5) cellular connection – 6) maintenance and upgrades of everything.

These devices are monitoring EV Charger “Up Time Availability” and potentially Reservation solutions online via IOT* software sold as SAAS – software as a service. You need to know if your electric vehicle can use the charger port and IF it is functioning and available when you pull it. Or at least know what the wait times look like before you use battery life to figure it out. * Internet of Things

Bring extra amenities onto your property and get more business to your location? Pay off your EV charger installation faster? Share your EV Charger and make new friends?

It mostly exists already. The ‘open’ network availability – beyond one manufacturer’s locked in solution — and access to the different cellular networks through those secure ‘chips’ to achieve many unique cellular networks available potentially all at once has happened. When your driving all over on a Trip, you’re going to find different cellular networks (and Apps), equipment and Payment services (Apps) that need to be Accessed to get attached to the EV Charger for you juice up; probably many times through the different Payment providers with the phone Apps and Cellular networks; especially in more remote road trippin’ locations.

The larger EV Charging Networks oeperators:

Electrify America





Chargers by State:

Being an EV Charging presence is a bunch of work and a big investment. You will probably outsource it to knowledgeable contractors.

About blastfrompast

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