
Ut wisi luctus ullamcorper. Et ullamcorper sollicitudin elit odio consequat mauris, wisi velit tortor semper vel feugiat dui, ultricies lacus. Congue mattis luctus, quam orci mi semper

Sports Wagering-AZ Betting Apps are raging!

Oil History

“DraftKings has defied the recent, dubious history of ownership shares of companies that went public via mergers with a Wall Street method called a SPAC – blank-check companies – already established that can put new business enterprises into them. Indeed, performances delivered by these types of firms — gaming and …

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Mobile Web #40 – Electric Vehicle Charging Locations. ‘Rent’ Out Your EV Charger

How do you ‘rent’ out your electric vehicle charging equipment to other people? List it on a charging location website! How will people find out where you are located and what type of EV vehicle charger is offered? Are you near a condo, house, curb-side, industrial area, parking lot or …

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Mobile Web — #36 No address? No problem. Digital Location Plus Codes – for Google Maps.

Digital address for ANYWHERE on Google MAPS* Google offers a something like a street addresses for people or places that don’t have an address! Tap on the blue dot to view, copy and share their Plus Code digital location here. OR find the Blue Dots in the shape of …

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Mobile Web — #32 Copywriting. Be Notorious.

Authoring Content? Get notorious. Get located. Be Found. How are you going to get found in a Google or Bing Search Result to be considered as a viable source to transact? Yoast is an insider with Google Search knowledge. And they have great Content for you to learn some …

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Mobile Web #8 – From Zero to 150,000 Organic Web Views in 12 Weeks – How ?

Online Marketplace

This is a real Adventure Guest Ranch in Cave Creek Arizona . This project started from scratch in 2019. This is actual data provided in unaltered screen captures. The main point here is understanding what and how Google Mobile Discovery & Search ‘rewards’ in PageRank if/when associated optimally with the …

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Mobile Web #33 Google Ad Network vs Facebook Commerce (Ads) Manager

We use both Google Ads and Facebook Ads – including all their other digital properties (facings). The Advertising Studios that build up the Ad content and message have Auto-magic  — WYSIWYG — viewing of the Ad and Device size laid out on the screen for getting an immediate impression of …

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Mobile Web #29 – Own Your Own Online eStore Property. How?

Own Your Own eStore. Build Your Own eCommerce site. You will have much to learn. Your business Website will need great focused Traffic from Google and Bing search engines – referred to you. You will need fantastic articles, great products, relevant content and amazing video where by your ‘brand’ is …

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