Quantum Punk Creative Studio
Quantum Punk Creative Studio

MEET Rebecca ! Build Dynamic Content Destinations

Rebecca is everywhere on the Web and IN cool Games … giving exceptional value to get relevant organic engagement

We are experiencing a Film, TV, Web, Gaming, Streaming AR, AI and VR Morphological Experience. We are In It! Love It.

Get Involved on our Discord Channel with experienced Game Creative Studio development !

Skill Up with our Dev Team! Join our New DISCORD Team > Quantumpunk Creative <


Meet Rebecca! … Creative Studio Lead: Film, Game, Console, Web, TV, Social, AI, AR and VR morphing so fast. Platform evolution is just a blurrrrrr …..

𝘊𝘰-𝘥𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘯𝘰 𝘏𝘰𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴’ 𝘛𝘓𝘊 𝘴𝘱𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘈𝘳𝘬 𝘮𝘰𝘥

Rebecca’s artistic interests extend to animation, UE4, Unity, sandbox style games, simulations, procedural generation, modding, world building, character design, comics, illustration and 3D modeling.

Studio Head – Creative Lead – Illustrator – Artist – Game Development + Design – Script Writer – 3D Modeler – … aka @Podcreature everywhere

Ark:Respawned (an Ark:Survival Evolved mod map, inspired by 80’s sci-fi fantasy cartoons)

Carno reskin in Ark Survival Evolved rebecca
Carno Re-skin in Ark Survival Evolved – @Podcreature

Some of the software you can expect to see me using: ZBrush, Blender, Maya, World Machine, Adobe Suites, Unreal Engine 4, and Speed Tree.

Creative Development on Game or Web Platforms
Creative Development on Game – Console – PC Platforms and/or Web Streaming Property of Rebecca @Podcreature – ARK Scene

Find our growing Gaming Development Team on Discord – and JOIN US: Quantumpunk Creative

What is thaaaaat ? Quantum Punk is potential Genre … the definitions a squishy but evolving … like this great subReddit discussion. We build out Game and Web stuff with these under-currents explored and/or represented!


So that’s some back drop for the next phase of Development.

We are pushing ahead into – the next Game Development project – exploring environmental and/or evolutionary pressure on creature’s, flora and fauna. As the Universe is Aging, how will the Planets persevere and adapt? How will creature and ecosphere evolution occur with different orbits, atmospheres and climates contributing? And those cataclysmic events – whoa!

What Content Goes Where Now !? There Is Fast Twitch Neurotic Content And Slow Ride Topics To Offer Up …

Noteworthy Projects:
* 3D Content + Digital Assets — that you can access to mod or build your own games – some visible and available to my patrons and on Art Staton. More is behind the scenes and can be shared once I know what you interests are …
* Lightfinder (3D graphic novel not yet being published. I’ve recently decided to render it in Unreal Engine.)

*”Apex” (an indie game) This is a working title for now.

Contact us for Rapid Prototyping | Ideation:

Game Development: Web-Console-App | Scripts | Story Boarding | Illustration | Digital Art | Animation | Tools



 Game Fan Art Raziel Awakens in the Abyss
Game Fan Art Raziel Awakens in the Abyss






@ Podcreature Rebecca Tuminello



There is some symbolism going on here. Yggdrassil, the Tree of Life in Norse mythology, has 9 branches, and this life-form has 9 “appendages.” … the things I postulated to myself when coming up with the core concept: “what if [some] gods were just organisms? What if there were quantum-based organisms living in the universe that could BE planets?”

Inspiration: I am a visual person. As much as I aspire to write and publish, I must illustrate and sketch my ideas as I develop them. By visually bonding with the faces of my worlds and characters, my motivation and inspiration become firmly established on a project. https://magazine.renderosity.com/article/2719/the-arrival

What is actually happening in the image? I wanted to give it an ominous quality. This behemoth of a “baby world” is new, just entering the solar system it will call home until it’s final life stages. In the distance, a small blue planet like Earth glitters, it’s fate uncertain as this giant approaches. Such is the drama of evolution and the cycle of life – just on a macro scale, in this case. Phyla – my nickname for this “baby world” – has yet to form oceans. All the water it contains frozen under it’s “skin.” The side that faces the sun is just beginning to form clouds, as it heats up and perspires.

I’m working on a range of projects and new ideas. If you want to learn with me as I stream my work, or see progress on any one of my projects, please consider supporting me, and through me, them!

Quantum Punk Creative Mic Media Old School
Quantum Punk Creative – Gaming Development Studio

More on the the Web front here … we have a slew of happy and mezmorized clients with their expectations surpassed!

We needed to merge the Web Dev talent with Game Dev / Creative awesomeness. We will figure it out like a Garage Band thing as we go along.

Google wants to show its users the best content possible depicting amazing experiences or intellectual authenticity.

Be That Web Property Resource.

“On the modern web, having a website is only half the battle.” https://webflow.com/blog/seo-and-webflow-the-essential-guide?utm_medium=inline-ad The other half? So. Much. Information.

“Getting people TO your ‘website(s)’ or online property facings … in many ways, that’s a much harder battle to wage.” @webflow on Twitter

We develop engaging content Building Domain Authorities across Gaming + Web serving way over 1 Million Visitors:

We are lethal, effective, creative and engaging ( a riot ) — highly knowledgeable in Art / Gaming / Google / WordPress / eCommerce– building great Organic Web Traffic resulting in a thriving online presence. You have to have great stuff online to be relevant and get found! Whether it be Social eStores, Game Design + Development Capabilities (Unity+UNREAL Engine), Google Maps API, Snippets, SEO, Google Knowledge Graph, … Inter-relating all of it into a delightful story is the key … and on and on ! Pumping Up the Film and Gaming direction is really exciting going ahead.

We usually just build our own stuff and other’s join in to collaborate. Here are some of our Fab projects that evolve. Some are rapid functional prototypes and some are more thorough. Nothing is ever completely over and done !

  1. Inner Workings Of Google’s Property Facings at Pinhead dot Cloud http://www.pinhead.cloud How Do You DO IT? Our expertise is on executing great content on super fast Mobile hybrid Web frameworks hosted with Google’s Web partners — all of them with embedded eStores and/or tied into Live Maps, Trending Web Traffic, eCommerce and many Comms and Social Channels like – Twitch, Youtube, Reddit, Discord, Twitter, FB, Instagram, Medium … etc.
  2. Advertising Our Neighborhood on our Web Domains – for FREE! @ Spur Cross Infusions http://www.spurcrossinfusions.com We are a Domain Authority -DA- and Google loves friendly relevant on-the-ground citizen based reporting with fresh, authentic and up to the moment content on What’s Happening – Who – What – Why – When – Where – How … btw — You have to Earn it! It’s expensive to operated cool hip digital ‘ newspapers’ in various locales with great copy, video, illustrations, features, photography, art etc.
  3. Adventure Travel — we are an Expedia Partner, a Boooking.com partner and an Airbnb Super Host http://www.spurcrossoutwest.com and run a Guest Ranch in Arizona http://www.spurcrossbnb.com. We operate on over 12 on the largest Travel + Leisure Websites — In The World — with huge backend Advertising Tool capabilities – optimized for Mobile – with Expedia http://www.spurcrossinfusions.com and also with Booking.com (1.1M Hotels World Wide) , Kayak, Tripadvisor, Hotel.com, Cheaptickets, Travelocity, Hotwire, Orbitz, Egencia, Homeaway, Expedia, VRBO.com, etc. Airbnb loves us too. They call this a vast constellation of (tangled) digitally aggregated products to corner a market segment — oh – and their Mobile Branded App downloads on iOS | Android too. It’s exhausting ! … but Fun ha )
  4. Motorsports – Private Aviation – Lifestyles – Auctions – Porsche Club U.S.A. http://www.milehighgarage.com We are fortunate to work for years with Porsche Club U.S.A., their Race drivers, Private Motorsport Tracks and Speedways where Auto Racing is like renting out a Golf Course. And of course Aviation Fly-Ins and sharing detailed Pilot Logs in the Western U.S.
  5. Vehicle | Equipment Auctions like Truck U Auto + Auctions http://www.truckuauto.com with a small yet lethal presence at https://g.page/Truck-U-Auto-Prescott?share on Google Maps with a Mini-Webpage.
  6. Multimedia Intense Business Directories and Aggregating Marketplaces to facilitate eCommerce like http://www.demandnearby.com — which is under re-construction. We needed to De-Construct this and completely rebuild it to refine our focus; leveraging and interlacing it with our other Web Domains to be a Traffic Monster to benefit our locales.
  7. Online eSports, Gaming, Film, Animation, Game Development (ARK et al), Wagering, Professional Sports, Gaming Platforms (PC vs Console) and Casino Strategies. Fast Prototyping Underway at www.QuantumPunk.tech with some amazing Game Development — on Discord at Quantum Punk Creative. It’s a fun hot mess. But that’s our process. Fire Aim Ready !
  8. Rapid Prototyping: eStores built on WordPress eCommerce http://www.spurcross.biz (Own Your Code!) usually including some aspect of WooCommerce payment gateways. We like Shopify, Big Commerce, Amazon, Pinterest, etc. but it’s better to own your own destiny .. .and Your ‘Code’ base on WordPress eCommerce.

How You Become Authoritative and Relevant On The Web ? Google is a Librarian. It Gives Good Book; If you want to Earn a premium slot on their Website during a Search — You better be relevant and super current hip with the information you have to Offer to cut through the competition for Prominent Pixel Placement — P – P – P on Google Search Result Pages ! It’s a Grind. Period. Everyday someone will one up you ! We refuse to BUY ADs … for the most part.

We are Google Ad Sense and Facebook | Instagram Business eCommerce Platform Ad savvy in Building Advertising Audiences and Creating High Conversion — Mobile optimized — Ads

1) Google will crawl your blog post and ask, “Is this content RELEVANT to the keyword search?” Google must be able to easily find relevant keywords in your content.

And 2) Authority. Google wants to associate their Brand with user content that is reputable. Be an authentic resource! A “domain authority” -DA- does mostly enjoy a Higher (Organic) Rank in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPS).

A website’s DA is measured on: Popularity, Engagement and the number of other websites Linking to it.
Create a community around your topics and content; which can possibly build a Brand — an almost indescribable ethos — of goodness. As more people share and engage your content, the more Authority your Website (plus Social and Channel facings) will gain in Traffic and potentially Commerce.

Then 3) Stickiness — What is Thaaat?!
Google measures — How Long — people are staying on your posts and pages! Are you producing Sticky and Interesting valuable content ?! Does it make the reader engage, stop, think, share, ponder thoroughly into the subject matter or media presented?! Publish the right content to the right audience at the right time … consistently. WINNING.

4) Ripping Fast Load Time of the Website.

The world’s top engineers work to serve humans the most relevant, helpful content they can find on any given topic. How do you possibly compete and WIN like Expedia !? Pick a Spot And Execute It Incredibly Well For Your Visitor.

  • Why Do I Need A Website? I am ON Facebook Business Commerce and Google Maps | Profiles
  • Can I Be Successful On The Web On A Bunch Of Different Web Channels Facings?! – That Reference Each Other
  • Substantially Increase Your Audience With Risk | Punch Up Your Content Headline and Deliver On It
  • Attract Impressive Organic Search Traffic AND Get Decent Search Placement … Anddd How?
  • How Much Video Content Do I Need ? Do Animated GIFs Work Better Than Static Photos ?
  • Develop Engaging Content – stay ON Trend
  • Create Cool Surveys – Snippets – ‘Short’ Lists – Structures – ASK’s – Contests – Channels – Articles – Landing Pages
  • How Many Channels is Too Much ?! What Audience Is WHERE ? Twitch – Discord – YouTube – Reddit – Medium ….
  • Increase The Sticky Web Page Experience with Embedded Compelling Dynamic In-Page Features
  • Author Exceptional Subject Matter Value For Your Viewers – Increase Thickness and Depth
  • WHY Do You Need Core Content ? Doesn’t Static Content SUCK and Die Off ?
  • Does All My — High Tempo Content — For Social Get Archived To The Website?
  • How Far Do People Scroll Down In Social !? Does 3 Years Of Content Matter On Facebook | Instagram
  • Does Static Web Content Get Re-Indexed For Search / Discovery Possibilities?
  • Do You Check Your Topic’s TREND + Google’s Automatic Suggestions Translator — get hot Topics validated fast!
  • Yes. An XML sitemap is Awesome On Your Website – it gives Google’s spiders the lay of the land
  • Ensure Canonical Version! Republishing Content on LinkedIn or Medium? Add rel=canonical to your Original Post!
  • Describe Your Image + Video Content! Add Descriptive #TAGS — so people with poor or no vision can “see” them.


… We Need An Art Department To Be On The Web ! ( … It’s To Expensive And Hard To Compete … sigh …

People don’t really read that much content on the web continuously. Instead, they scan it.

Build Thick Content.

We Build Out 10,000+ Page Websites – WHY Not Split Domains? http://www.spurcrossbnb.com

This Domain has migrated into topics on Online Games, Game Consoles, PC Games, Professional Sports, Betting, Gambling Strategies and Casino Happenings. It appears to be out of its realm based on the Domain Name?

— It’s slowly building a new audience from starting Live on the Web in 1998 !

How can you Build 300 Landing Pages In One Week?! https://webflow.com/blog/programmatic-seo

This helped us grow to 6,000 daily search impressions in just 6 weeks. Webflow CMS supporting programmatic SEO.

  • Daily impressions on Google Search went from 100 to 6,000 in 6 weeks. How ? Why ?
  • Landing Pages At Scale https://webflow.com/landing-page
  • “Writing high-quality content and promoting it well is an excellent strategy to grow your website’s search traffic, especially over a period of 6 to 12 months or longer.”
Build Content Destinations
Build Content Destinations -Scottsdale Airpark Morphing Into Live-Work-Play at the base of the McDowell Mountains

We devised a way to leverage our engineering capabilities to crawl the internet for raw data, which we could then manually categorize and tag and even rewrite wherever needed.

Generating pages using the Webflow CMS API
Reading through the CMS API documentation was easy and straightforward. The code that we used in our project is not very different from the example code snippets on the documentation page. That’s because we copy-pasted Webflow’s example code and only modified it wherever necessary. Easy, right?

Building the landing pages in Webflow Editor
Once we had all the data in the right place, building the landing pages’ design was the easiest step in the process.

We will show you how easy it was to fetch all the required data onto the page, even the data from linked items in the multi-reference field.

First, we went for a simple design that made the Best Shopify Apps landing pages look like blog posts. https://www.delightchat.io/best-shopify-apps

It was easy to fill the page with data from the collection fields. All we had to do was select the collection field.


Structuring the CMS collection accurately to suit our project
Before we could send data to Webflow, we first had to create the right CMS collection structure for our project.

Our project had two key components:

  1. Individual Shopify apps and their associated data — “Apps”
  2. Landing pages that would contain one or more Shopify apps — “Best Shopify Apps”

Storing the information about each app and the landing pages in one collection proved to be cumbersome.

Thankfully, Webflow’s CMS has an item called multi-reference field, which allows you to quickly reference items from a different CMS collection and display all its data within the parent collection.

Our experience with Webflow has been phenomenal. Without the CMS API, we would not have been able to push over 300 pages in only 1 week. As you might already know, Webflow pages are fast and SEO-optimized.

About blastfrompast

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