Google refines Search Results on Google Properties
Google refines Search Results on Google Properties

Mobile Web #25 — Google Query? “Self-Referential” Search Results … back to Google properties!

Every conceivable technique and hack was being used to:

a) “Earn” or b) “Purchase” your way onto a primary position in Google Search Results (SERPS); many times through great organically developed content that attracted loyal content consumption (clicks and page views) to the subject matter.

Great compelling content is not free to concept, author or layout! Therefor its Rank in Search Results is “Earned” through social proof, search rank and position, or popularity and ultimately … web crawling and indexing it via mystical algorithms.

Google wants to associate with authentic, relevant, hip, cool and fresh Brands or content. If you get chosen; then you’re in rare air to compete!

1) And now: If  “41% of the first page of Google search results is taken up by Google products ( YouTube, Flights, eMail, etc ) …. on Mobile Devices to its own properties and what it calls  Google “direct answers”; which are populated with information copied from other sources, sometimes without their knowledge or consent.”

Then is it even plausible that your “earned media” content or link show up from your Website or eStore or blog in a Google Search Result? Ever?

Portions of your Web presence and hard work authoring great content morphed right into Google’s brand color palette ( looking like Google UX). 

In all fairness to google; they are getting you a shot at high rank UX positions to compete for conversions and transactions to improve your economics. Many times in located distinct layouts in the UI highlighting why the User Query Result should check it out!

2) If a significant remaining portion of Paid Advertising will rank adjacent to Google facings (their products); then where will great Organic content and links rank and fit into the search results display … and in what format !?…/google-search-results-prioritize-google-products-over-competitors

Why produce great organic content for Google to repurpose snippets of your thoughts and designs to locate and ‘reformat’ it into what looks like Google’s brand right on Google’s pages so there is no obvious nor compelling reason to “click off” to the source of it?

Of course there are premium organic Web links presented that include the source brand logo (thumbnail size). But so much content is now relegated to the ‘margins’ or down the page scroll .. into oblivion? On Mobile 70% of the screen is mostly Paid Ads, Google properties,   

Were we misled that if we developed great targeted (‘FREE’) content that we would be a viable competitor for Google’s search customers to get a shot at a transaction?  And be like ‘must carry’ broadcast on cable TV networks? Eventually to be squeezed out?

Why should premium screen placement on Google be assumed because it was? Pricing has been ‘bid’ up by huge Brands and aggregators willing to pay, pushing out smaller fantastic contenders. Now what?

There is more than an appearance that there is a massive pixel relocation to appear in Google’s Search Results. Google already vacuums up content all over the Web to place high in Search Results, which creates content blocks (Google ‘products’ are pixels of screen space) like Google Knowledge panels smoothly transitioning into Google UI.

Embrace the change. We do. You will need some help.

We study this and it’s like a moving sidewalk juggling chainsaws.

We are developing an execution Framework for you to move into mobile eCommerce 3.0 successfully. If you spend too much time strategizing — the world will pass you right by.

We fast prototype eStores, great content and let it rip.

The proof is that our initial clients are rocking it with Web Traffic and Conversions. We use huge partners breaking off from Google dominance and wire ourselves together.

For starters:

  1. Create or Claim your Google My Business page. It’s a cool directory listing that is FREE. There is a link to your Website. It has to be Mobile friendly, load fast, be fresh and compelling. Video and photos are table stakes. Embrace Reviews and Ratings — creates Social Proof that you’re great. Table stakes here too.

2. Get Found on the Google Map during a Search? You will get a ‘Pinhead” at your ‘location’ on the Map; but might not be seen on the Map in a Search Result; especially on mobile screens if your in a competitive local market. See #1.

3. Google relocates the most compelling parts of your Website. Make what matters incredible.

4. Most cool, fast, mobile Websites and Hosting is already built. We find it. Custom is rare air. Use Off-The-Shelf technologies: AMP, WordPress, Shopify, WooCommerce, WP Engines

… You can’t afford Salesforce eCommerce DemandWare nor Adobe Magento ($250K entry)

5. Contact us. 800 566-4657

About blastfrompast

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